Home News Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

Celebrating Memorial Day started on May 5th, 1868, three years after the Civil War ended. The Grand Army of the Republic established the day of mourning lost soldiers; it was called Decoration Day. Instead of using beautiful arrangements, people used dead flowers.

The date we celebrate Memorial Day has also changed. General John A Logan chose May 30th as the official date to commemorate those lost in the war. The Arlington mansion, former residence of General Robert E.Lee, was mourning-draped. There was also a procession of orphans who put flowers on both Union and Condfedater graves. As the 19th Century ended, Memorial Day was celebrated nationwide.

Although there was a question where this holiday originated, in 1966, Congress and President Johnson officially chose Waterloo, New York, as the place where Memorial Day began.

After World War I, a shift in Memorial Day occurred. First, the name was changed from Decoration Day to Memorial Day. In 1971, it was declared a National Holiday that is celebrated on the last Monday in May.

Celebrating Memorial Day is either a traditional remembrance of the lives lost in battle or a much-needed break from work and school. Some choose to hold barbecues and enjoy friends and families. Others who have lost loved ones leave flowers on their graves. Memorial Day is a holiday with a storied past. Regardless of how we choose to celebrate, it’s a time-honored practice to pause and remember the lives given for our freedom.

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